mir.pe (일반/밝은 화면)
최근 수정 시각 : 2024-05-05 12:33:01

틀:The Glow, Pt. 2

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파일:The Glow Pt. 2.jpg
The Glow, Pt. 2
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{{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ]
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# 제목 러닝타임
<colcolor=#0f2733><colbgcolor=#c2b790> 1 <colbgcolor=#fff,#191919> I Want Wind to Blow <colbgcolor=#fff,#191919><colcolor=#191919,#fff> 5:33
2 The Glow, Pt. 2 4:59
3 The Moon 5:17
4 Headless Horseman 3:09
5 My Roots Are Strong and Deep 1:53
6 Instrumental 1:39
7 The Mansion 3:52
8 (Something) 1:38
9 (Something) 2:42
10 I'll Not Contain You 2:51
11 The Gleam, Pt. 2 1:58
12 Map 5:01
13 You'll Be in the Air 2:42
14 I Want to Be Cold 1:42
15 I Am Bored 1:36
16 I Felt My Size 2:24
17 Instrumental 1:53
18 I Felt Your Shape 1:55
19 Samurai Sword 4:08
20 My Warm Blood 9:29
}}}}}}}}} ||