mir.pe (일반/밝은 화면)
최근 수정 시각 : 2024-08-17 23:57:12

I Like It When You Die

I Like It When You Die
<colbgcolor=#efc980><colcolor=#5cab45> 발매 1997년 2월 11일
장르 그라인드코어, 노이즈그라인드, 코미디 록
길이 41:44
곡 수 52곡
스튜디오 Headroom
레이블 Earache

1. 개요2. 상세3. 평가4. 트랙리스트

1. 개요

희대의 막장 밴드로 유명한 애널 컨트( Anal Cunt)의 유명 앨범.

2. 상세

원래 밴드 컨셉 답게 여성혐오적이고 호모포비아 등등 온갖 어그로 가사는 다 적었다.

3. 평가

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애당초 어그로 끄는 것이 컨셉인지라 평가는 무의미한 편.

앤서니 판타노는 "이런 충격적인 농담을 하는 밴드도 세상에 하나쯤 필요하긴 하다"라고 평했다.

4. 트랙리스트

<rowcolor=#a62d32> # 제목 길이
1 Jack Kevorkian Is Cool 0:41
2 ValuJet 1:28
3 You've Got No Friends 1:13
4 You Keep a Diary 1:13
5 You Own a Store 0:38
6 You Got Date Raped 0:49
7 Recycling Is Gay 0:37
8 You're a Cop 1:51
9 You Can't Shut Up 0:19
10 You've Got Cancer 0:31
11 We Just Disagree 0:33
12 Hungry Hungry Hippos 0:18
13 You Are an Interior Decorator 0:52
14 Pottery's Gay 0:40
15 Rich Goyette Is Gay 0:53
16 Branscombe Richmond 1:35
17 You Live in Allston 0:54
18 You Are a Food Critic 0:54
19 Just the Two of Us 0:27
20 Your Band's in the Cut-Out Bin 1:11
21 You're Gay 0:38
22 You Look Adopted 1:17
23 Your Cousin Is George Lynch 0:11
24 You Have Goals 0:23
25 You Drive an IROC 0:56
26 You Play on a Softball Team 0:58
27 Because You're Old 0:45
28 You Sell Cologne 0:30
29 Being a Cobbler Is Dumb 0:28
30 You Live in a Houseboat 0:45
31 Richard Butler 1:32
32 311 Sucks 0:40
33 Your Kid Is Deformed 0:41
34 You Are an Orphan 1:06
35 You're Old (Fuck You) 0:13
36 You Go to Art School 0:55
37 Your Best Friend Is You 0:54
38 You're in a Coma 1:19
39 Windchimes Are Gay 0:11
40 No, We Don't Want to Do a Split Seven Inch with Your Stupid Fucking Band 0:29
41 René Auberjonois 0:41
42 The Internet Is Gay 0:25
43 Ha Ha, Your Wife Left You 1:12
44 Hootie and the Blowfish 0:39
45 You Went to See Dishwalla and Everclear (You're Gay) 0:23
46 Locking Drop Dead in McDonald's 0:21
47 Technology's Gay 0:26
48 Your Favorite Band Is Supertramp 0:37
49 I'm in A.C. 0:21
50 You (Fill In the Blank) 0:27
51 Kyle from Incantation Has a Mustache 4:10
52 Bonus Track #3 0:09