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최근 수정 시각 : 2020-10-07 12:35:12

틀:into the ICE AGE

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into the ICE AGE
2020. 02. 27 발매
트랙 제목 작사 작곡 편곡
1 into the ICE AGE MRey (153/Joombas) MRey (153/Joombas)
2 ICE AGE 캐슬제이 Hyuk Shin (153/Joombas), Blair Taylor (153/Joombas), MRey (153/Joombas) Hyuk Shin (153/Joombas), Blair Taylor (153/Joombas), MRey (153/Joombas)
3 Stereotypes Daniel Kim Daniel Kim, Re:One (153/Joombas), 2xxx! (153/Joombas) Re:One (153/Joombas)
4 Hey You 정윤, Moon Kim Moon Kim, 정윤 정윤
5 TOP GANG 캐슬제이, , 캐슬제이, zomay, real-fantasy, 오브로스 캐슬제이, zomay, real-fantasy, 오브로스

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