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최근 수정 시각 : 2019-06-03 23:42:10

겨울 늑대

윈터 울프에서 넘어옴


파일:겨울 늑대 5e.jpg

1. 개요2. 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈
2.1. 3.52.2. 5e
3. 패스파인더 RPG4. 기타5. 바깥 고리6. 관련 문서

1. 개요

던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈의 등장하는 워그의 아종이며 냉기와 관련된 능력을 다룬다.

2. 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈

2.1. 3.5

겨울 늑대/윈터 울프(Winter Wolf)
크기/유형(Size/Type): 대형(Large) 매지컬 비스트(Magical Beast)(냉기(Cold))
생명점 주사위(Hit Dice): 6d10+18 (51 hp)
우선권(Initiative): +5
속도(Speed): ? 피트(ft). (? 제곱(squares))
방어도(Armor Class): ?? (? 크기(size), ? 민첩성(Dex), ? 자연적(natural)), 무방비(Flat-Footed) ?
기본 공격/드잡이(Base Attack/Grapple): +6/+14
공격(Attack): 한글명칭(English)
전력 공격(full attack): 한글명칭(English)
공간 범위/도달 범위(Space/Reach): 한글명칭(English)
특수능력(Special Attacks): 한글명칭(English)
특성(Special Qualities): (한글명칭(English)
내성굴림(Saves): 인내/체질(Fort) +8, 반사(Ref) +6, 의지(Will) +3
능력치(Abilities): 근력(Str) 18, 민첩성(Dex) 13, 건강(Con) 16, 지능(Int) 9, 지혜/통찰(Wis) 13, 매력/존재력(Cha) 10
기술(Skills): 한글명칭(English)
재주(Feats): 한글명칭(English)
환경(Environment): 한글명칭(English)
조직(Organization): 단독 또는 무리(Solitary or flock) (?-?)
도전 지수(Challenge Rating): 5
성향: 대개(Usually) 중립 악
발전(Advancement): 7-9 HD (대형(Large)); 10-18 HD (거대형(Huge))
레벨 보정 페널티(Level Adjustment): +3 (cohort)
A winter wolf grows about 8 feet long and stands about 4½ feet at the shoulder. It weighs about 450 pounds.

Winter wolves can speak Giant and Common.

Winter wolves typically hunt in packs. Their size, cunning, and formidable breath weapon allow them to hunt and kill creatures much larger than themselves. A pack usually circles an opponent, each wolf attacking in turn to exhaust it. If they’re in a hurry, white wolves try to pin their foes.

Breath Weapon (Su)
15-foot cone, once every 1d4 rounds, damage 4d6 cold, Reflex DC 16 half. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Freezing Bite (Su)
A winter wolf deals an extra 1d6 points of cold damage every time it bites an opponent, as if its bite were a frost weapon.

Trip (Ex)
A winter wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+8 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the winter wolf.

Winter wolves have a +1 racial bonus on Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks. Winter wolves have a +2 racial bonus on Hide checks. *Their natural coloration grants them a +7 racial bonus on Hide checks in areas of snow and ice. A winter wolf has a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.
출처: OGL SRD 3.5

2.2. 5e

3. 패스파인더 RPG

파일:Winter_wolf PF.jpg

4. 기타

발더스 게이트에서도 겨울 늑대가 등장하는데 잡으면 겨울 늑대 털가죽을 준다.

5. 바깥 고리

6. 관련 문서
