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최근 수정 시각 : 2024-01-31 13:42:34

스튜어트 크리스티

1. 개요2. 생애3. 저작

Stuart Christie

1. 개요

1946년 7월 10일 - 2020년 8월 15일

영국의 아나키스트, 작가, 출판사[1]

2. 생애

Duncan Campbell, "Stuart Christie obituary," 「 The Guardian」, Mon 17 Aug 2020 10.40 BST[2]
[ 펼치기 · 접기 ]
Anarchist who was jailed in Spain for an attempt to assassinate Franco and later acquitted of being a member of the Angry Brigade

In 1964 a dashing, long-haired 18-year-old British anarchist, Stuart Christie, faced the possibility of the death penalty in Madrid for his role in a plot to assassinate General Franco, the Spanish dictator.

A man of great charm, warmth and wit, Christie, who has died of cancer aged 74, got away with a 20-year prison sentence and was eventually released after less than four years, only to find himself in prison several years later in Britain after being accused of being a member of the Angry Brigade, a group responsible for a series of explosions in London in the early 1970s. On that occasion he was acquitted, and afterwards he went on to become a leading writer and publisher of anarchist literature, as well as the author of a highly entertaining memoir, Granny Made Me an Anarchist.

Christie’s Franco-related mission was to deliver explosives to Madrid for an attempt to blow up the Spanish leader while he attended a football match at the city’s Bernabéu stadium. Telling his family that he was going grape-picking in France, he went first to Paris, where it turned out that the only French he knew, to the amusement of his anarchist hosts, was “Zut, alors!”

There he was given explosives and furnished with instructions on how to make himself known to his contact by wearing a bandage on his hand. As his knowledge of Spanish was even more limited than his French, he had to be taught a phrase – me duele la mano (my hand hurts) – as a coded response to his contact.

Having been kitted out in Paris, Christie began to hitchhike south with the explosives wrapped around his body and wearing a kilt as an aid to getting lifts. His attire later led to reports in the Argentinian press that the man who tried to assassinate Franco was a “Scottish transvestite”.

Once he arrived in Madrid, however, it turned out that Christie’s group had been infiltrated, and he was arrested along with his Spanish contact, Fernando Carballo. After being forced to watch Carballo being tortured, Christie signed a confession. Convicted of “banditry and terrorism” after a brief trial in a military court, he faced the possibility of execution by garotte, but was instead given the 20-year jail term. His sentence prompted international protests, including from Jean-Paul Sartre and Bertrand Russell.

In the notorious Carabanchel prison in Madrid, Christie was warmly welcomed on to the political wing by fellow anarchists and republicans, who admired his courage for their cause.

In jail he studied for A-levels in history, English and Spanish, and worked as a nurse. His mother wrote regularly to Franco to ask for clemency, and the Spanish authorities, noting “her dignity and motherly concern”, released him after just under four years. “The most beneficial thing was that my arrest provided a focus for what Franco was doing,” he said later. “He was trying to pass himself off as an old avuncular gentleman on a white charger while in fact he had all these political prisoners, thousands of whom were tortured and some killed.”

Four years after returning to London in 1968 Christie, while working as a gas fitter, was arrested on suspicion of being a member of the Angry Brigade, a libertarian group accused of carrying out explosions aimed at Edward Heath’s government. At the Old Bailey trial of the so-called Stoke Newington Eight in 1972 Christie told the jury that the police had planted two detonators on him and he was acquitted, while four co-defendants were convicted and jailed. Although Christie knew some of those involved in the Angry Brigade, he was arrested mainly because of his reputation.

Christie was born in the Partick area of Glasgow, the son of Albert, a trawlerman from Aberdeenshire, and Olive (nee Ring), a hairdresser. When he was six his father left home, and as a result he was brought up in part by his grandfather and by his redoubtable grandmother, Agnes Ring, in Ardrossan, Arran and then Blantyre.

After leaving Calder Street school in Blantyre in 1961 he worked briefly as an apprentice in a Glasgow dental laboratory, where he became the union representative. He then joined the Labour Party Young Socialists but became disillusioned by the fact that Labour activists went out canvassing wearing Rangers scarves to secure the Protestant vote. He tore up his membership card and found his political home with the Glasgow Federation of Anarchists.

Nuclear disarmament was a major political issue in the early 1960s, highlighted in Scotland by the siting of American Polaris nuclear submarines at the Holy Loch near the Firth of Clyde, and Christie became an active member of the Scottish Committee of 100, which was dedicated to their removal.

At the same time, with growing evidence of Franco’s anarchist opponents being jailed, tortured and killed in Spain, political events in that country also became a focus of his attention. A move in 1964 to London, where he found work as a sheet-metal apprentice and on an ironmongery stall, led to his meeting up with Spanish anarchist exiles. Deciding that “I had to do more than just demonstrate and leaflet”, he offered his services and was soon recruited to smuggle explosives into Madrid.

Once back in the UK after his capture and imprisonment, he campaigned for the discharge of many of his fellow Spanish prisoners, offering them a home in exile in London if they were released. One of these was Miguel García, with whom Christie would later launch the Centro Iberico and International Libertarian Centre in London.

On his return to London in 1968, Christie had met Brenda Earl, a typist and later a teacher, who was also committed to the anti-Francoist cause and who would shortly become his wife. In 1970, with his friend the veteran anarchist Albert Meltzer, he wrote The Floodgates of Anarchy, the first of many books, and two years later came the Angry Brigade trial.

In 1974, after the kidnapping in Paris of a Francoist banker, a special branch officer advised Christie and Brenda to leave their home in London for their own safety. They went first to Honley, in West Yorkshire, and then to Sanday in Orkney, where their daughter, Branwen, was born. There they ran the Cienfuegos Press, which became a major publisher of anarchist literature, and a radical paper, Free-Winged Eagle.

After seven years in Orkney they moved to Cambridge and then to Hastings in East Sussex, where Christie edited the Hastings Trawler and started the Anarchist Film Channel in 2006. “Hollywood and the mainstream film industry tends to depict anarchists as flaky, obsessive, rabid, demonic, repellent stereotypes – such as Hitchcock’s The Secret Agent or The Man Who Knew Too Much,” he explained at the time. He took on editorial work in London as a subeditor for the magazine Media Week, and on the British edition of Pravda and the English language version of the Russian weekly Argumenty i Fakty.

Granny Made Me an Anarchist, published in 2004, explained that he had learned as a boy from his grandmother that “we are not bystanders to life.” The book was as funny, perceptive and self-deprecating as the man himself. He also wrote ¡Pistoleros! The Chronicles of Farquar McHarg, a trilogy (2009-12) about a fictional Scottish anarchist born in 1900 who became involved in the Spanish civil war. A quotation at the front of the book, from Victor Serge’s Memoirs of a Revolutionary, summed up his own beliefs: “Anarchism demanded, before anything else, harmony between deeds and words.”

Brenda died in 2019. Christie is survived by Branwen, two granddaughters, Merri and Mo, and his half-sister, Olivia.
Stuart Christie, anarchist, writer and publisher, born 10 July 1946; died 15 August 2020

스튜어트 크리스티의 대표적인 활동에는 대표적인 활동으로 프란시스코 프랑코폭사 미수 사건이 있다. 마드리드의 베르나베우 경기장에서 축구경기가 열릴 때 프랑코가 참석할동안 프랑코를 폭사시킨다는 계획이었다. 하지만 계획이 발각당해 징역 20년형을 선고받았다. 이 사건에 대해 국제적인 시위가 촉발됐고 크리스티의 어머니는 프랑코에게 관용을 요청하며 편지를 정기적으로 작성했다. 스페인 당국은 크리스트 어머니의 "존엄성"과 "관심"을 인정해 크리스티를 4년만에 석방했다. 크리스티 본인은 오히려 감옥 안에서 본인의 수감생활은 스페인 현지인들에 비하면 호텔 생활이었다면서 당장 독재자 본인을 폭살시키렸던 초유의 테러범을 영국 국적자라고 조지지도 못하고 편지에 소통에 집필에 휴식에 다과까지 누리게 해준 프랑코 정권의 비굴함을 적극적으로 조롱했다.

석방 후 크리스티는 영국으로 돌아와 스페인 수감자들에 대한 석방운동을 벌였고 수감자들이 석방되면 석방자들을 위해 집을 제공했다.

1968년에 폭탄테러범으로 의심받아 체포됐지만 무죄로 밝혀졌다.

1974년 이후 아나키즘 저서 전문 출판사와 저널을 운영했다.

3. 저작

아나키스트에 대한 대표적 역사학자 폴 애브리치가 사망하자 애브리치에 대한 글을 더 가디언에 게제했다.
Stuart Christie, "Paul Avrich" 「 The Guardian」, Mon 10 Apr 2006 00.45 BST[3]
[ 펼치기 · 접기 ]
Historian of anarchism in the US and the Soviet Union

The common fate of anarchists, suggested Paul Avrich, who has died aged 74, was to be neglected or scorned. But what he wanted to do was to play a role in resurrecting them. So, as professor of history at Queens College and the graduate school at the City University of New York, he passed on to students an "affection and sense of solidarity with anarchists as people, rather than as militants". He also challenged the prevalent image of anarchists as violent and amoral.

Russian Anarchists (1967) was followed by Kronstadt 1921 (1970) and in 1972, Russian Rebels: 1600-1800. He then moved into American anarchism with The Haymarket Tragedy (1984). This focused on the campaign for the eight-hour day in Chicago in 1886 during which seven policemen were killed by a bomb, and for which four innocent anarchists were executed - one cheated the gallows by killing himself, and another three served sentences until pardoned by the state governor. Sacco and Vanzetti: The Anarchist Background (1991) established that the two men, executed in 1927 in Massachusetts, were serious revolutionaries rather than "philosophical anarchists".

Avrich was born in Brooklyn, New York, into a Jewish family originally from Odessa. He graduated from Cornell University in New York State in 1952 and took his PhD from Columbia University in New York City in 1961.

In the early 1960s Avrich had taken advantage of liberalisation in the Soviet Union to research his dissertation on the Russian revolution and the factory committees there. The material he uncovered on the 1921 insurrection at the Russian naval base of Kronstadt - which was suppressed by the Bolsheviks and left more than 10,000 dead or wounded on both sides - was the basis for Kronstadt 1921 and much of his work on anarchists in the Russian revolution.

Back in New York he researched amongst surviving Soviet exiles, many of whom he met at the anarchist Yiddish Freie Arbeiter Stimme (Free Voice of Labour) meetings and established lifelong friendships with many of them.

Avrich's other work included The Modern School Movement: Anarchism and Education in the United States (1980) which dealt with the radical schools inspired by the ideas of the Spanish anarchist educationalist Francisco Ferrer i Guardia, which survived from 1910 to 1960.

His last important work was the extraordinary Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America (1995) based on interviews gathered over 30 years. Avrich was nominated several times for the Pulitzer prize, and in 1984 he won won the Philip Taft Labor History award.

He is survived by his wife Ina and his daughters Jane and Karen.

Paul Avrich, historian, born August 4 1931; died February 17 2006

[1] https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/aug/17/stuart-christie-obituary [2] https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/aug/17/stuart-christie-obituary [3] https://www.theguardian.com/news/2006/apr/10/guardianobituaries.obituaries