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최근 수정 시각 : 2024-05-15 11:08:06

스타트렉 온라인/에피소드/새로운 개척지

파일:스타트렉 온라인 로고.png
스타트렉 온라인 에피소드
미래 교정 새로운 개척지 감마 사분면

1. 개요

2. 스토리

2.1. Echoes of Light

2.2. Of Signs and Protents

2.3. Mirrors and Smoke

2.4. Brushfire

2.5. Beyond the Nexus

2.6. Melting Pot

2.7. Scylla and Charybdis

2.8. The Renegade's Regret

변절자의 후회
The Renegade's Regret
<colcolor=#FFD500> 미션 제공자 <colbgcolor=white>젬포크 수상(클링온 방위군)
출시 2018년 4월 3일
보상 경험치
전문 기술
720 다이리튬 광석
무작위 음식
다음 중 하나 선택
지상 특성: 뒤를 조심하라
우주 특성: 전용된 장갑 도금
콘솔 - 과학 - 이미터 초점 재지정
콘솔 - 전술 - 테트리온 펄스 생성기
드라코니안의 의식용 장병기
반복 플레이 보상
192 다이리튬 광석

비고 싱글 플레이로만 완료 가능
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<tablebordercolor=#A01502> 젬포크 수상
Captain Neth Parr has turned herself in to authorities at Deep Space Nine. She's the Tzenkethi officer who delivered vital military intelligence to the Alliance prior to the assault on Bajor. Captain Parr is now actively seeking asylum, and claims to have more tactical information for us.
네스 파 대령이 딥 스페이스 나인에서 자수했다. 네스 파는 베이조 강습 기간동안 중요한 군사 정보를 동맹에게 전달한 즌케시 장교이지. 파 대령은 현재 적극적으로 망명을 요청하고 있고 우리를 위한 더 많은 전술적 정보를 가지고 있다고 주장하고 있다.

I want you to debrief the captain and determine the nature of this new information, if possible.
대령에게 보고하고 가능하다면 새로운 정보의 성격을 판단하게.

이 임무는 싱글 플레이로만 완료할 수 있습니다.

딥 스페이스 9로 이동하고 네스 파 대령을 인터뷰하세요.
즌케시 변절자
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<tablebordercolor=#C0E0FF> 로 세나 장교
Welcome to Deep Space 9, . Chief Ro told me to expect you.
<계급>, 딥 스페이스 9에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 로 상사님이 당신을 기다리라고 했어요.

The Tzenkethi officer is in the far room at the back. A Starfleet captain is speaking to her.
즌케시 장교는 뒤쪽의 먼 방에 있습니다. 스타플릿 대령이 그녀랑 이야기하고 있어요.
Thanks I'll head back there now.
감사합니다. 지금 뒤쪽으로 갈게요.
대화를 마친 후 로 세나의 양 옆에 있는 문을 지나면 라포지와 이상한 거북이(?)같이 생긴 외계인이 있다.
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<tablebordercolor=#C0E0FF> 조르디 라포지
Hello, . Captain Parr and I worked together during the recent incident at the Dranuur colony. She's gone through a lot to help the Alliance, and I want to get a fair shake.
<계급>, 안녕하세요. 파 대령과 저는 최근동안 드라누르 식민지의 사건에 대해 연구하고 있었어요. 파 대령은 동맹을 돕기 위해 많은 일을 겪었고, 공정한 대우를 받았으면 좋겠어요.
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 네스 파
. I trust you have many questions. I will answer them as best I can.
<계급>. 물어볼 게 많을 거라 생각하고 있어요. 할 수 있는 최대한 답해드릴게요.
Let's start with why you're in the brig.
왜 당신이 구금실에 있는지부터 물어볼게요.
The chief of security thought it was a prudent measure - technically, I am under protective custody until the Alliance decides what to do with me.
보안 책임자가 신중한 조치라고 생각한 모양입니다. 엄밀히 말하면, 동맹이 나를 어떻게 할지 결정할 때까지 보호 구금되어있는 겁니다.

I cannot fault this decision. Our military has much to answer for - myself included. There are many who might see a Tzenkethi face and decide to seek vengeance.
제가 이 결정을 비난할 수는 없지요. 우리 군은 저를 포함해 책임질 것이 많습니다. 많은 사람들이 즌케시의 얼굴을 보고 복수하고자 할 수도 있고요.
I trust you. Come on out.
저는 당신을 믿어요. 이리 나오세요.
이후 F를 눌러 구금실을 열어주면 네스 파가 걸어나온다.
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 네스 파
Thank you, . Far too many lives have been lost in this crusade, so I'm glad the tactical data I provided halped to save some.
<계급>, 감사합니다. 이 박멸 운동에 너무 많은 사람들이 목숨을 잃었기에 제가 제공한 전술 데이터가 일부를 구하는 데 도움이 될 수 있어서 기쁘네요.
That's an understatement, Captain -
겸손이세요, 대령...
No longer. I renounced the title of Captain after committing mutiny. Part of the price I paid to save those lives today.
이제는 아니예요. 반역을 저지른 후에 대령이라는 칭호를 버렸어요. 오늘 생명을 구하기 위해 치른 대가의 일부이죠.

Let's move on. I have more information fot the Alliance. I presume you are here to collect it.
다른 얘기로 넘어갑시다. 저는 동맹을 위한 더 많은 정보를 가지고 있어요. 제가 추측하기로는 당신은 그것을 수집하러 온 것이고요.
That's right.
Are you ready to hear my story?
제 이야기를 들을 준비가 되셨나요?
Not Yet

이오크 청소
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 작전 장교
Captain Parr, we're receiving an incoming transmission from Admiral Tzen-Tarrak.
파 대령님, 젠-타락 제독님에게서 전신을 수신중입니다.
네스 파 대령
Let's not keep the Admiral waiting, Ensign. Put him onscreen.
''제독님을 기다리게 하지 말게, 소위. 제독님을 화면에 띄우게.
젠-타락 제독
The planet Eohk. Scans show it to be fifthy with the eggs of the hated Drantzuli. Their defenses are generally inferior, but their fleet could be dangerous in large numbers.
이오크 행성. 스캔 결과 미운 트랜출리의 알이 1/5인 것으로 나타났다. 저들의 방어력은 일반적으로 열등하지만, 많은 수의 함대는 위험할 수 있다.

While our ground squad prepares the weapon, we will ensure that no ship leaves this system. If one ship, with one egg, escapes... the contagion spreads. That is not acceptable.
우리의 지상 부대가 무기를 준비할 동안 우리는 행성계를 떠나는 배가 없도록 해야한다. 만약 한 배가 하나의 알을 가지고 탈출한다면... 그 역병은 퍼져나갈 것이다. 그건 용납할 수 없다.
I know this is your first mission as captain, Neth. Don't let your excitement distract you from the task at hand. Stay alert!
네스, 이게 자네가 선장으로서 첫 번째 임무라는 것은 안다. 들뜬 마음 때문에 당장 눈앞의 일을 그르치는 일이 없도록 해라. 정신을 바짝 차려라!
네스 파
Of course, Admiral. We're prepared to enforce containment protocol as ordered, sir.
당연하죠, 제독님. 저희는 명령대로 봉쇄 프로토콜을 시행할 준비가 되어있습니다, 제독님.
젠-타락 제독
See to it that you do, Captain. Tzen-Tarrak, out.
그렇게 하도록 하게, 대령. 젠-타락, 발신 끝.
Screen off.
스크린을 끄게.
이후로는 네스 파로서 플레이하게 된다. 제독의 명령에 따라 근처의 함선을 격침시키면 되는데, 제독의 말과는 다르게 너무나도 쉽게 터져나가는 것을 볼 수 있다.
Admiral Tzen-Tarrak: Eohki fleet on intercept course. Eliminate them.
젠-타락 제독: 이오키 함대가 요격 항로에 있다. 저들을 제거하라.
Admiral Tzen-Tarrak: More Eohki ships are fleeing. Destroy them.
젠-타락 제독: 더 많은 이오키 함선이 도망가고 있다. 저들을 파괴하라.
Eohki: This is a freighter Starstruck. We're not warriors! Spare us, please!
이오키: 여기는 화물선 스타스트럭이예요. 저희는 전사가 아니예요! 저희를 해치지 말아주세요, 제발요!
Admiral Tzen-Tarrak: They've hacked our comms, Captain. Ignore them and follow protocol.
젠-타락 제독: 대령, 저들이 우리의 통신을 해킹했군. 저들을 무시하고 프로토콜을 따라라.
Eohki: Please stop! We're civilians! There's children here - ((static))
이오키: 제발 멈추세요! 저희는 민간인이예요! 여기 아이들이...(지지직)
Eohki: Listen - we have latinum! It's all yours if you let us go!
이오키: 들어보세요. 저희한테 라티넘이 있어요! 저희를 보내준다면 다 드릴게요!
Eohki: You're about to blow up a fortune here! Be reasonable - (static)
이오키: 당신들은 지금 행운을 날려버리는거예요! 부디 합...(지지직)
Eohki: We're a hospital ship, we're not a threat!
이오키: 이것들은 병원선이고 위협이 아니예요!
Eohki: Scan us - we have no weapons, just sick and injured - (static)
이오키: 저희를 스캔해보세요. 저희한테 무기는 없고 그저 아프고 다친...(지지직)
Admiral Tzen-Tarrak: Good job. We can't risk any ships escaping with Drantzuli eggs.
즌 타락 제독: 잘 했다. 우리는 어떠한 함선도 드란츌리의 알을 가지고 탈출하는 위험을 감수할 수 없다.
Eohki: No no no - stop! Don't shoot! We surrender!
이오키: 안돼요 안돼요 안돼요. 멈춰요! 쏘지 마세요! 항복합니다!
Eohki: Did you hear me? I said we surrender! We surr - ((static))
이오키: 듣고 있어요? 저희는 항복한다고 말했어요! 항복한...(지지직)
Eohki: This is your way? Blowing up the helpless?
이오키: 이게 당신네들 방식이야? 무기력한 사람들을 날려버리는 게?
Eohki: You'll pay for this, monsters. You hear me? You'll pay - ((static))
이오키: 당신네들은 대가를 치르게 될 거야, 이 괴물들아. 듣고 있어? 당신네들은 대가를...(지지직)
사람들의 말을 들어보면 제대로 된 방어력은 없는 것을 알 수 있다.
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 젠-타락 제독
Captain, the ground team has beamed to safety. The Protomatter Bomb is ready.
대령, 지상 부대가 안전하게 내려갔다. 원시 물질 폭탄이 준비됐다.

Sicne this is your first mission, I'm granting you the honor of detonating the weapon. Get into position when you're ready.
자네의 첫 임무이니, 무기를 기폭시킬 영광을 자네에게 주겠다. 준비되면 위치로 이동하라
네스 파 대령
Yes... as your wish, Admiral. Parr, out.
예... 본부대로 하겠습니다, 제독님. 파, 발신 끝.
[행성으로 향한다] }}}}}}}}}
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 젠-타락 제독
Command is a difficult path to walk at times, Captain, yet you performed your duties well. It will reflect in my next report to the Autarch.
대령, 지휘는 때때로 어려운 길인 법이지만 임무를 잘 수행했군. 이 사항은 다음에 어트라크에 보내는 보고서에 반영될 것이다.

I have seen great promise in your today. Faithful service to the Coalition is well-rewarded - don't forget that.
오늘 자네에게서 큰 가능성을 보았네. 연합에 대한 충실한 봉사는 좋은 보상을 받는다. 그것을 잊지 말도록.
네스 파 대령
Thank you, sir. I will not forget today's events for a long time... if ever.
감사합니다, 제독님. 오늘의 일을 오랫동안 잊지 않겠습니다... 언제나요.
행성계 떠나기
아직 }}}}}}}}}

드라코니스 청소
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 젠-타락 제독
Draconis III is a primitive, pre-industrial, backwater planet. There's a large infestation - you know what to do, Captain.

And Neth... keep your guard up down there. We think the target site is a temple; if that's so, the local saves may try to stop you. Feel free to discourage them - agressively, if necessary.
네스 파
Our firepower should discourage them, Admiral. They shouldn't pose much of a threat to the mission.
전문가 타샨
We're good to go here. The weapon's in the green - protomatter matrix is stable and primed.

The Admiral wants us to deploy the bomb in the largest concentration of Drantzuli eggs. Looks like that's in some type of structure ahead, not far from here.

Ready to go when you are, Captain.
네스 파
Alright, let's move out. Keep an eye out for the locals, and make sure the weapon is protected. No more "luckyshots" like Brenonin IV, okay? The Admiral roared at me for a ten-cycle over that.
[임무를 시작한다] }}}}}}}}}
Bomb Squad 1: 50 credits says Tashan drops the bomb. Again.
Bomb Squad 2: Hah! I'll take that bet!
Tashan: I'm standing right here, you know.

(선택) 기둥을 조사하세요
Tashan: This pillar points down the road to that primative structure.
Bomb Squad 1: Large concentration of Drantzuli eggs ahead.
Bomb Squad 2: Does it matter where we put it? The whole planet gets scoured!
Bomb Squad 1: Ask the Admiral... I'm sure he'd just love to tell you.
Bomb Squad 2: You know, after giving you a year of latrine duty...
Neth Parr: Both of you - shut it. We've got a job to do here.
Bomb Squad 2: Yes, sir! Sorry, Lieutenant.
Neth Parr: Just stay disciplined. Remember what happened on Hetaril!

(선택) 바깥 벽화를 조사하세요
왼쪽 벽화
Tashan: They wouldn't want these eggs to hatch if they knew what was inside'em.
오른쪽 벽화
Tashan: Are these fools gathering Drantzuli eggs?!
위쪽 벽화
Tashan: What? They're worshiping the eggs?

(선택) 안쪽 벽화를 조사하세요
양옆의 벽화
Bomb Squad 1: Look at this picture - there's a Vulcan in it!
Bomb Squad 2: Pfft. Mammals all look the same to me.
Bomb Squad 2: You know they probably say the same about us, right?
Bomb Squad 1: I don't look anything like you. I'm actually good-looking.
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 젠-타락 제독
Status report, Captain. Have you breached the structure yet?.
네스 파
Yes, sir. We've found something interesting as well. Transmitting data now.
젠-타락 제독
Starfleet? Interesting - your scans indicate that image is centuries old. More Federation time-tarvel nonsense, perhaps.

Proceed with your mission, Captain. We don't have time for archaeology.
Yes, sir. Away team, out. }}}}}}}}}
Bomb Squad 1: Captain, Drantzuli signatures are most concentrated here.
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 전문가 타샨
This looks like a prime detonation site, Captain. We'll get the weapon placed and ready to go.

This won't take long. Who's on overwatch while we deploy the bomb?
네스 파
That'll be me. Get the weapon ready. I'll make sure you aren't interrupted.
[사원을 나간다] }}}}}}}}}
Bomb Squad 1: The door closing! Hey! We're still in here! Captain!
Bomb Squad 1: Bomb placement complete. Priming for detonation... now.
Bomb Squad 1: Bomb Squad reporting - need to stabilize the protomatrix here.
Bomb Squad 1: The bomb's ready. but we're stuck in here. Transporters can't lock on!
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 젠-타락 제독
We're reading a large number of life-signs massing near your location, Captain. A large assault is imminent; is the weapon ready to deploy?
네스 파
In moments, sir... but my men are still trapped in the structure. Transporters can't lock onto their signals.
젠-타락 제독
Unfortunate, but we don't have the time to extract them. We've received a priority assignment - from the Autarch himself. We must depart at once.

Prepare for transport.
네스 파
Sir, give us a little more time. Beam an engineering team down, we can break into the structure with explosives!
젠-타락 제독
You have your orders, Captain. Your men are acceptable losses - as are you. Would you like to join them?
네스 파
No, sir, I would not.
Beam Up
Not Yet }}}}}}}}}
Neth Parr: 저는 무엇을 위해 그 사람들을 죽게 내버려뒀을까요?

그래서 제독은 제시간에 다음 학살을 할 수 있었지만요.

그건 광기였어요.

그래서 구조 계획이 없었을까요? 구조를 위한 노력도 없고요?

아니예요. 어투라크의 명령은 그런 부분에서 명확했어요.

그리고 제독은 그러한 명령을 너무나도 기꺼이 수행했죠.

저희가 아토시 프라임에 갔을 때 그건 매우 명확해졌죠...

우리의 박멸 운동이 박멸만을 위한 게 아니라는 것을요.

아토시 프라임 청소
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 젠-타락 제독
Atosee Prime. Long-distance scans suggested the presence of Drantzuli infestation, but we'll need to be certain.

Standard operating procedure, Captain - begin by conducting a scan of the planet.
네스 파
Yes, sir. Let's hope this was a false alarm.
[임무를 시작한다] }}}}}}}}}
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 에투멤 의원
This is Councilor Hale Etunem. I speak for the Atosee people. We know of you, Tzenkethi, and your purpose here.

If you scan our planet, you will discover that it is free of the bioform objects you seek to destroy. A scan of our moon will reveal the presence of those objects , in totality. When we heard the fate of other worlds like ours, we collected the objects and placed them there for you.
Scour the moon as you will - it is devoid of life. Atosee Prime, however, is not. Over four billion souls dewell here.

In their name, I ask you now - spare our world. Spare our lives.
젠-타락 제독
Captain, confirm the Councilor's story. Scan the both planet and moon - verify the location of the Drantzuli eggs. We've been lied to before, and at great cost. I won't be deceived here today.
Yes sir, I'll verify the egg locations. }}}}}}}}}
Tzenkethi Crewman: No signs of infestation, Captain. Shell we scan the moon next?
Captain Neth Parr: Yes. Helm, set a course for the Atosee moon.
Tzenkethi Crewman: Captain, I'm reading a large concentration of Drantzuli eggs on the Atosee moon.
Captain Neth Parr: Very well. Prepare the torpedo launcher.
Councilor Etumem: As you can see, we have been truthful.
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 젠-타락 제독
Captain, return to the planet and conduct a deep-scan. I want to be absolutely certain there is no remaining infestation within this system.
네스 파
As you wish, Admiral.
[행성으로 향한다] }}}}}}}}}
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 젠-타락 제독
Report, Captain. I'm picking up low-level signs of infestation across the planet. Are you as well?
네스 파
Negative, Admiral. I believe the Atosee were being truthful here - there's no sign of Drantzuli infestation on our sensors.
젠-타락 제독
Hm. It could be residual traces left behind when they moved the eggs... or it could be shilded pockets of infestation, another crude attempt to decieve us.

We must be certain, Captain. Prepare to scour Atosee Prime.
네스 파
Sir, with all due respect, Atosee Prime is not a threat to us. There's no need for this!
젠-타락 제독
There is every need, Captain. Since you appear to be incapable of following my orders, I will deal with Atosee Prime myself.

Tactical - prepare to fire our Protomatter Torpedo at Atosee Prime.
네스 파
Admiral, no. Don't do this, sir.
[계속] }}}}}}}}}
Councilor Etumem: No! We're not a threat, we're not...(static)
네스 파: 그 이후로 더 이상 참을 수 없었어요.

저는 더 이상 광기의 길을 걸을 수 없었어요.

제 승무원들도 같은 생각이였고요.

함께, 우리는 새로운 길을 걷기 시작했죠.
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 젠-타락 제독
It is done. In light of your service to the Autarch and the Coalition, I will not have you shot for treason. If it were anyone else...

Be warned. The next time you see fit to walk the path of disobedience, I will not stay my hand. I'll see to it that your entire lineage is purged from existence, to the last scale and egg. Do I make myself clear, Captain?
네스 파
Yes. You do... Sir.
Helm, Get us out of here.
[기다리기] }}}}}}}}}

변절자를 믿는 것
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<tablebordercolor=#C0E0FF> 조르디 라포지
Admiral Tzen-Tarrak has a lot to answer for. We can only hope the Tzenkethi crusade has come to an end at last, and that nothing like this ever happens again.
계속 }}}}}}}}}
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<tablebordercolor=#82A4BA> 네스 파
That path, that choice, led me to where we are now. Walking it ultimately gave me the strength to stand against the Admiral and defect to the Alliance.

I think we can both agree that journey has reached its end. From this point forward, I begin to walk along the path of atonement. That journey will never end for me, but I will help as many as I can with every step I take.
That's an honorable path to take.
Thank you. I hope your superiors have the same opinion as well. As long as the Autarch lives, he will continue to pursue his insane crusade. I believe I can be of use to the Alliance when the time comes to stop him once and for all.
I shall abide by their decision.

Until our paths merge once more, .
Until then. Goodbye. }}}}}}}}}
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<tablewidth=100%><tablebordercolor=#FFD500> <전술 함교 장교 이름>
, are you ready to return to the ship?
Beam me up.
Wait. }}}}}}}}}
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<tablewidth=100%><tablebordercolor=#FFE0C0> 젬포크 수상
This Captain Parr has endured much, and still standss tall. A Tzenkethi with honor - impressive!

If only the Tzenkethi ruler knew of honor. It's clear he is dedicated to wiping out every last threat to the Tzenkethi - by any means necessary. Madness.

I see that Alliance officials will be reviewing Captain Parr's request for asylum soon. The help she's given us - and your report - will certainly influence their decision in her favor.
보상을 받는다
뒤로가기 }}}}}}}}}

임무 완료: "변절자의 후회"