최근 수정 시각 : 2023-03-31 17:33:19
상위 문서:
골드스미스 대학교
1 . 개요2 . 예술인문대학 (School of Arts and Humanities)3 . 문화사회대학 (School of Culture and Society)4 . 전문연구과학기술대학 (School of Professional Studies, Science and Technology) 영국
골드스미스 대학교 의 학과(또는 학부)와 연구소 목록.
2. 예술인문대학 (School of Arts and Humanities)
<rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소
미술학부 (Department of Art)
디자인학부 (Department of Design)
영어문예창작학부 (Department of English and Creative Writing)
음악학부 (Department of Music)
연극공연학부 (Department of Theatre and Performance)
시각문화학부 (Department of Visual Cultures)
3. 문화사회대학 (School of Culture and Society)
<rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소
인류학부 (Department of Anthropology)
역사학부 (Department of History)
법학부 (Department of Law)
미디어커뮤니케이션문화연구학부 (Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies)
정치국제관계학부 (Department of Politics and International Relations)
사회학부 (Department of Sociology)
4. 전문연구과학기술대학 (School of Professional Studies, Science and Technology)
<rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소
컴퓨팅학부 (Department of Computing)
교육학부 (Department of Educational Studies)
창의문화앙트레프레너십교육원 (Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship)
경영교육원 (Institute of Management Studies)
심리학부 (Department of Psychology)
사회치료공동체연구학부 (Department of Social, Therapeutic and Community Studies)