mir.pe (일반/밝은 화면)
최근 수정 시각 : 2021-08-07 13:51:25

파일:대한민국 내 COVID-19 백신 접종 현황 (08.07 기준).png

파일:CC0 버튼.svg 이 파일은 크리에이티브 커먼즈 CC0 1.0 보편적 퍼블릭 도메인 기증에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.

이 저작물의 저작권자는 법이 정한 범위 내에서 저작인접권을 포함해 저작권법에 따라 전 세계적으로 해당 저작물에 대해 자신이 갖는 일체의 권리를 포기함으로써 저작물을 퍼블릭 도메인으로 양도하였습니다. 저작권자의 허락을 구하지 않아도 이 저작물을 상업적인 목적을 포함한 모든 목적으로 복사, 수정, 배포, 실연, 공중송신하실 수 있습니다.

1. 기본 정보

1. 기본 정보

출처 질병관리청
날짜 사진과 동일
저작자 사용자:iseoulu
저작권 CC-0
기타 기타 정보가 있으면 삽입해 주세요.

의견이나 질문 있으신 분 사용자:iseoulu에 사용자 토론 남겨주세요. 특히 디자인 관련 의견은 적극적으로 반영하겠습니다. [1]

인구 51829023 -> 51349116 변경 (2020년 12월 기준으로)

데이터는 질병관리청에서 전일 0시 기준으로 공개된 자료를 매일 9시 35분에 공공데이터활용센터에서 갱신하여 업로드하는 것으로, 해당 공공기관의 업무 처리에 따라 데이터에 오류가 있을 수 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 해당 데이터 제공 홈페이지에서 "오류 신고 및 담당자 문의"로 문의 바랍니다.

7월 20일자 데이터 관련하여 Raw Data 공개합니다.
Raw data
======== RESTART: C:\Users\XXXXXX(가림)\Pictures\COVID-VACCINE-GRAPH-GEN.py ========
2021-07-21 12:50:23.763332
<attribute 'hour' of 'datetime.datetime' objects>

len(DataIn.iloc[::]) : 145

Max : 20000000.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\XXXXXX(가림)\Pictures\COVID-VACCINE-GRAPH-GEN.py", line 420, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\XXXXXX(가림)\Pictures\COVID-VACCINE-GRAPH-GEN.py", line 253, in GenPlot
    choose_fill(ax, DataIn, days, TotalDose=False)
  File "C:\Users\XXXXXX(가림)\Pictures\COVID-VACCINE-GRAPH-GEN.py", line 166, in choose_fill
    ax.fill_between(days, DataIn['totalFirstCnt'].astype(int).tolist(), color=fColor, label="1차 접종자")
  File "C:\Users\XXXXXX(가림)\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\__init__.py", line 1361, in inner
    return func(ax, *map(sanitize_sequence, args), **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\XXXXXX(가림)\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\_axes.py", line 5386, in fill_between
    return self._fill_between_x_or_y(
  File "C:\Users\XXXXXX(가림)\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\_axes.py", line 5308, in _fill_between_x_or_y
    where = where & ~functools.reduce(
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (144,) (145,) 
======== RESTART: C:\Users\XXXXXX(가림)\Pictures\COVID-VACCINE-GRAPH-GEN.py ========
[{'accumulatedFirstCnt': 449535, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 0, 'baseDate': '2021-03-11 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 51100, 'secondCnt': 0, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 500635, 'totalSecondCnt': 0}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 503750, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 0, 'baseDate': '2021-03-12 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 42527, 'secondCnt': 0, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 546277, 'totalSecondCnt': 0}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 547974, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 0, 'baseDate': '2021-03-13 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 35684, 'secondCnt': 0, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 583658, 'totalSecondCnt': 0}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 584397, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 0, 'baseDate': '2021-03-14 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 3487, 'secondCnt': 0, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 587884, 'totalSecondCnt': 0}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 587884, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 0, 'baseDate': '2021-03-15 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 1074, 'secondCnt': 0, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 588958, 'totalSecondCnt': 0}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 590228, 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'accumulatedSecondCnt': 168724, 'baseDate': '2021-04-30 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 241967, 'secondCnt': 30010, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3056004, 'totalSecondCnt': 198734}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3066985, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 198744, 'baseDate': '2021-05-01 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 259018, 'secondCnt': 29655, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3326003, 'totalSecondCnt': 228399}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3355935, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 228476, 'baseDate': '2021-05-02 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 39169, 'secondCnt': 7712, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3395104, 'totalSecondCnt': 236188}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3395303, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 236188, 'baseDate': '2021-05-03 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 1561, 'secondCnt': 301, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3396864, 'totalSecondCnt': 236489}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3399988, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 236494, 'baseDate': '2021-05-04 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 66920, 'secondCnt': 30538, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3466908, 'totalSecondCnt': 267032}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3467507, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 267033, 'baseDate': '2021-05-05 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 62507, 'secondCnt': 31159, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3530014, 'totalSecondCnt': 298192}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3555071, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 298195, 'baseDate': '2021-05-06 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 5253, 'secondCnt': 25310, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3560324, 'totalSecondCnt': 323505}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3566651, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 323699, 'baseDate': '2021-05-07 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 41965, 'secondCnt': 73491, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3608616, 'totalSecondCnt': 397190}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3623605, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 397204, 'baseDate': '2021-05-08 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 38982, 'secondCnt': 76790, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3662587, 'totalSecondCnt': 473994}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3662751, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 473993, 'baseDate': '2021-05-09 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 11931, 'secondCnt': 27546, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3674682, 'totalSecondCnt': 501539}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3674726, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 501540, 'baseDate': '2021-05-10 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 3, 'secondCnt': 4734, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3674729, 'totalSecondCnt': 506274}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3684225, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 506462, 'baseDate': '2021-05-11 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 8341, 'secondCnt': 77551, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3692566, 'totalSecondCnt': 584013}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3692628, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 584025, 'baseDate': '2021-05-12 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 6029, 'secondCnt': 80788, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3698657, 'totalSecondCnt': 664813}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3706615, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 664817, 'baseDate': '2021-05-13 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 4408, 'secondCnt': 82890, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3711023, 'totalSecondCnt': 747707}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3712844, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 747713, 'baseDate': '2021-05-14 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 7139, 'secondCnt': 77987, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3719983, 'totalSecondCnt': 825700}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3721673, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 825715, 'baseDate': '2021-05-15 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 9548, 'secondCnt': 79705, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3731221, 'totalSecondCnt': 905420}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3732527, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 905528, 'baseDate': '2021-05-16 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 1269, 'secondCnt': 29829, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3733796, 'totalSecondCnt': 935357}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3733801, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 935359, 'baseDate': '2021-05-17 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 5, 'secondCnt': 4986, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3733806, 'totalSecondCnt': 940345}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3733928, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 940694, 'baseDate': '2021-05-18 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 12006, 'secondCnt': 98948, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3745934, 'totalSecondCnt': 1039642}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3747236, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 1040603, 'baseDate': '2021-05-19 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 11822, 'secondCnt': 139678, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3759058, 'totalSecondCnt': 1180281}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3759157, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 1180516, 'baseDate': '2021-05-20 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 1783, 'secondCnt': 92694, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3760940, 'totalSecondCnt': 1273210}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3761416, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 1275047, 'baseDate': '2021-05-21 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 11183, 'secondCnt': 207795, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3772599, 'totalSecondCnt': 1482842}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3773806, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 1485612, 'baseDate': '2021-05-22 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 13764, 'secondCnt': 221916, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3787570, 'totalSecondCnt': 1707528}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3787727, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 1708854, 'baseDate': '2021-05-23 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 4933, 'secondCnt': 34583, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3792660, 'totalSecondCnt': 1743437}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3792689, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 1743627, 'baseDate': '2021-05-24 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 217, 'secondCnt': 2709, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3792906, 'totalSecondCnt': 1746336}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3793492, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 1748792, 'baseDate': '2021-05-25 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 71292, 'secondCnt': 101877, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3864784, 'totalSecondCnt': 1850669}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3865303, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 1853619, 'baseDate': '2021-05-26 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 77472, 'secondCnt': 91598, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 3942775, 'totalSecondCnt': 1945217}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 3943579, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 1946983, 'baseDate': '2021-05-27 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 87165, 'secondCnt': 65936, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 4030744, 'totalSecondCnt': 2012919}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 4031328, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2014875, 'baseDate': '2021-05-28 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 657192, 'secondCnt': 54002, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 4688520, 'totalSecondCnt': 2068877}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 4691736, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2069844, 'baseDate': '2021-05-29 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 542227, 'secondCnt': 63876, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 5233963, 'totalSecondCnt': 2133720}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 5235558, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2134761, 'baseDate': '2021-05-30 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 163457, 'secondCnt': 8532, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 5399015, 'totalSecondCnt': 2143293}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 5399144, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2143298, 'baseDate': '2021-05-31 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 4710, 'secondCnt': 87, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 5403854, 'totalSecondCnt': 2143385}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 5405968, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2144272, 'baseDate': '2021-06-01 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 385535, 'secondCnt': 27064, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 5791503, 'totalSecondCnt': 2171336}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 5793135, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2172065, 'baseDate': '2021-06-02 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 565377, 'secondCnt': 25945, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 6358512, 'totalSecondCnt': 2198010}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 6360442, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2198499, 'baseDate': '2021-06-03 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 381551, 'secondCnt': 22229, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 6741993, 'totalSecondCnt': 2220728}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 6743716, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2221504, 'baseDate': '2021-06-04 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 342576, 'secondCnt': 25504, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 7086292, 'totalSecondCnt': 2247008}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 7087965, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2247553, 'baseDate': '2021-06-05 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 367761, 'secondCnt': 29584, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 7455726, 'totalSecondCnt': 2277137}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 7456423, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2277245, 'baseDate': '2021-06-06 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 138649, 'secondCnt': 2351, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 7595072, 'totalSecondCnt': 2279596}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 7595829, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2279682, 'baseDate': '2021-06-07 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 2958, 'secondCnt': 0, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 7598787, 'totalSecondCnt': 2279682}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 7600157, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2279997, 'baseDate': '2021-06-08 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 855642, 'secondCnt': 19856, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 8455799, 'totalSecondCnt': 2299853}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 8487962, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2300509, 'baseDate': '2021-06-09 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 714384, 'secondCnt': 24750, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 9202346, 'totalSecondCnt': 2325259}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 9232076, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2325957, 'baseDate': '2021-06-10 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 562087, 'secondCnt': 23528, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 9794163, 'totalSecondCnt': 2349485}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 9832337, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2350687, 'baseDate': '2021-06-11 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 733067, 'secondCnt': 285448, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 10565404, 'totalSecondCnt': 2636135}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 10594421, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2638114, 'baseDate': '2021-06-12 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 792835, 'secondCnt': 235748, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 11387256, 'totalSecondCnt': 2873862}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 11416064, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2874527, 'baseDate': '2021-06-13 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 386223, 'secondCnt': 117602, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 11802287, 'totalSecondCnt': 2992129}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 11802900, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 2992255, 'baseDate': '2021-06-14 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 27481, 'secondCnt': 11774, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 11830381, 'totalSecondCnt': 3004029}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 11833534, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 3006290, 'baseDate': '2021-06-15 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 731735, 'secondCnt': 256443, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 12565269, 'totalSecondCnt': 3262733}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 12602026, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 3265037, 'baseDate': '2021-06-16 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 617181, 'secondCnt': 207339, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 13219207, 'totalSecondCnt': 3472376}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 13250593, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 3474112, 'baseDate': '2021-06-17 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 540248, 'secondCnt': 280928, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 13790841, 'totalSecondCnt': 3755040}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 13820058, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 3757067, 'baseDate': '2021-06-18 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 412987, 'secondCnt': 127643, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 14233045, 'totalSecondCnt': 3884710}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 14261046, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 3886535, 'baseDate': '2021-06-19 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 507319, 'secondCnt': 126036, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 14768365, 'totalSecondCnt': 4012571}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 14800465, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 4013089, 'baseDate': '2021-06-20 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 211990, 'secondCnt': 33522, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15012455, 'totalSecondCnt': 4046611}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15014314, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 4046808, 'baseDate': '2021-06-21 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 505, 'secondCnt': 1038, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15014819, 'totalSecondCnt': 4047846}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15019767, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 4051080, 'baseDate': '2021-06-22 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 20231, 'secondCnt': 116453, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15039998, 'totalSecondCnt': 4167533}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15068519, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 4168857, 'baseDate': '2021-06-23 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 30346, 'secondCnt': 123415, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15098865, 'totalSecondCnt': 4292272}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15121636, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 4294377, 'baseDate': '2021-06-24 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 28485, 'secondCnt': 119117, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15150121, 'totalSecondCnt': 4413494}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15168599, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 4414987, 'baseDate': '2021-06-25 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 31320, 'secondCnt': 106798, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15199919, 'totalSecondCnt': 4521785}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15216892, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 4522789, 'baseDate': '2021-06-26 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 46333, 'secondCnt': 96129, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15263225, 'totalSecondCnt': 4618918}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15279057, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 4620427, 'baseDate': '2021-06-27 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 11159, 'secondCnt': 22784, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15290216, 'totalSecondCnt': 4643211}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15290296, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 4643211, 'baseDate': '2021-06-28 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 6, 'secondCnt': 740, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15290302, 'totalSecondCnt': 4643951}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15291417, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 4645673, 'baseDate': '2021-06-29 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 12703, 'secondCnt': 112722, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15304120, 'totalSecondCnt': 4758395}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15305170, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 4789232, 'baseDate': '2021-06-30 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 16084, 'secondCnt': 116230, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15321254, 'totalSecondCnt': 4905462}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15322128, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 4933545, 'baseDate': '2021-07-01 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 14233, 'secondCnt': 107695, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15336361, 'totalSecondCnt': 5041240}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15336784, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5069914, 'baseDate': '2021-07-02 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 4043, 'secondCnt': 86635, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15340827, 'totalSecondCnt': 5156549}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15341363, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5188067, 'baseDate': '2021-07-03 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 3930, 'secondCnt': 83700, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15345293, 'totalSecondCnt': 5271767}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15346047, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5303295, 'baseDate': '2021-07-04 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 1150, 'secondCnt': 16659, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15347197, 'totalSecondCnt': 5319954}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15347214, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5320977, 'baseDate': '2021-07-05 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 0, 'secondCnt': 625, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15347214, 'totalSecondCnt': 5321602}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15347603, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5326181, 'baseDate': '2021-07-06 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 53758, 'secondCnt': 42046, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15401361, 'totalSecondCnt': 5368227}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15402244, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5400522, 'baseDate': '2021-07-07 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 37666, 'secondCnt': 62770, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15439910, 'totalSecondCnt': 5463292}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15440955, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5491814, 'baseDate': '2021-07-08 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 35064, 'secondCnt': 61306, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15476019, 'totalSecondCnt': 5553120}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15476802, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5579843, 'baseDate': '2021-07-09 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 37215, 'secondCnt': 74992, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15514017, 'totalSecondCnt': 5654835}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15515470, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5684510, 'baseDate': '2021-07-10 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 57846, 'secondCnt': 117487, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15573316, 'totalSecondCnt': 5801997}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15573684, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5832464, 'baseDate': '2021-07-11 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 12758, 'secondCnt': 39095, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15586442, 'totalSecondCnt': 5871559}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15586467, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5872306, 'baseDate': '2021-07-12 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 470, 'secondCnt': 1103, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15586937, 'totalSecondCnt': 5873409}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15618505, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5969183, 'baseDate': '2021-07-14 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 105958, 'secondCnt': 89167, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15724463, 'totalSecondCnt': 6058350}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15716089, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 6081732, 'baseDate': '2021-07-15 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 93550, 'secondCnt': 102000, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15809639, 'totalSecondCnt': 6183732}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15810029, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 6204664, 'baseDate': '2021-07-16 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 103848, 'secondCnt': 122041, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15913877, 'totalSecondCnt': 6326705}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15914457, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 6348774, 'baseDate': '2021-07-17 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 116932, 'secondCnt': 158333, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 16031389, 'totalSecondCnt': 6507107}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 16031653, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 6527332, 'baseDate': '2021-07-18 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 23106, 'secondCnt': 36553, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 16054759, 'totalSecondCnt': 6563885}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 16054806, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 6565026, 'baseDate': '2021-07-19 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 228, 'secondCnt': 446, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 16055034, 'totalSecondCnt': 6565472}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 16133418, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 6567201, 'baseDate': '2021-07-20 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 158538, 'secondCnt': 46093, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 16291956, 'totalSecondCnt': 6613294}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 15587120, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 5874416, 'baseDate': '2021-07-13 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 31182, 'secondCnt': 65958, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 15618302, 'totalSecondCnt': 5940374}, {'accumulatedFirstCnt': 16292908, 'accumulatedSecondCnt': 6639744, 'baseDate': '2021-07-21 00:00:00', 'firstCnt': 149984, 'secondCnt': 45095, 'sido': '전국', 'totalFirstCnt': 16442892, 'totalSecondCnt': 6684839}]

     accumulatedFirstCnt  ...  PopRatio-FullyVaccinated
0                      0  ...                  0.000000
1                  19662  ...                  0.000000
2                  20879  ...                  0.000000
3                  21644  ...                  0.000000
4                  23086  ...                  0.000000
5                  87428  ...                  0.000000
6                 154421  ...                  0.000000
7                 225853  ...                  0.000000
8                 296380  ...                  0.000000
9                 314656  ...                  0.000000
10                316865  ...                  0.000000
11                383346  ...                  0.000000
12                449535  ...                  0.000000
13                503750  ...                  0.000000
14                547974  ...                  0.000000
15                584397  ...                  0.000000
16                587884  ...                  0.000000
17                590228  ...                  0.000000
18                603451  ...                  0.000000
19                622598  ...                  0.000000
20                641974  ...                  0.000000
21                660294  ...                  0.000000
22                675648  ...                  0.000006
23                676606  ...                  0.000012
24                677856  ...                  0.000017
25                683461  ...                  0.000029
26                704902  ...                  0.000052
27                734985  ...                  0.000075
28                769429  ...                  0.000102
29                792802  ...                  0.000102
30                793955  ...                  0.000102
31                795910  ...                  0.000120
32                823795  ...                  0.000159
33                853930  ...                  0.000253
34                877944  ...                  0.000387
35                915498  ...                  0.000514
36                953854  ...                  0.000532
37                962101  ...                  0.000533
38                963900  ...                  0.000539
39               1001533  ...                  0.000651
40               1039714  ...                  0.000831
41               1077067  ...                  0.001015
42               1114656  ...                  0.001157
43               1148240  ...                  0.001178
44               1156950  ...                  0.001178
45               1157557  ...                  0.001179
46               1195676  ...                  0.001180
47               1240389  ...                  0.001180
48               1286993  ...                  0.001180
49               1380579  ...                  0.001180
50               1483338  ...                  0.001180
51               1512531  ...                  0.001180
52               1518256  ...                  0.001180
53               1641179  ...                  0.001180
54               1772539  ...                  0.001181
55               1904934  ...                  0.001541
56               2036911  ...                  0.001923
57               2196295  ...                  0.002036
58               2260748  ...                  0.002043
59               2268038  ...                  0.002464
60               2410975  ...                  0.002888
61               2588065  ...                  0.003286
62               2814037  ...                  0.003870
63               3066985  ...                  0.004448
64               3355935  ...                  0.004600
65               3395303  ...                  0.004606
66               3399988  ...                  0.005200
67               3467507  ...                  0.005807
68               3555071  ...                  0.006300
69               3566651  ...                  0.007735
70               3623605  ...                  0.009231
71               3662751  ...                  0.009767
72               3674726  ...                  0.009859
73               3684225  ...                  0.011373
74               3692628  ...                  0.012947
75               3706615  ...                  0.014561
76               3712844  ...                  0.016080
77               3721673  ...                  0.017633
78               3732527  ...                  0.018216
79               3733801  ...                  0.018313
80               3733928  ...                  0.020247
81               3747236  ...                  0.022985
82               3759157  ...                  0.024795
83               3761416  ...                  0.028878
84               3773806  ...                  0.033253
85               3787727  ...                  0.033953
86               3792689  ...                  0.034009
87               3793492  ...                  0.036041
88               3865303  ...                  0.037882
89               3943579  ...                  0.039201
90               4031328  ...                  0.040290
91               4691736  ...                  0.041553
92               5235558  ...                  0.041740
93               5399144  ...                  0.041741
94               5405968  ...                  0.042286
95               5793135  ...                  0.042805
96               6360442  ...                  0.043248
97               6743716  ...                  0.043759
98               7087965  ...                  0.044346
99               7456423  ...                  0.044394
100              7595829  ...                  0.044396
101              7600157  ...                  0.044789
102              8487962  ...                  0.045283
103              9232076  ...                  0.045755
104              9832337  ...                  0.051337
105             10594421  ...                  0.055967
106             11416064  ...                  0.058270
107             11802900  ...                  0.058502
108             11833534  ...                  0.063540
109             12602026  ...                  0.067623
110             13250593  ...                  0.073128
111             13820058  ...                  0.075653
112             14261046  ...                  0.078143
113             14800465  ...                  0.078806
114             15014314  ...                  0.078830
115             15019767  ...                  0.081161
116             15068519  ...                  0.083590
117             15121636  ...                  0.085951
118             15168599  ...                  0.088060
119             15216892  ...                  0.089951
120             15279057  ...                  0.090424
121             15290296  ...                  0.090439
122             15291417  ...                  0.092668
123             15305170  ...                  0.095532
124             15322128  ...                  0.098176
125             15336784  ...                  0.100421
126             15341363  ...                  0.102665
127             15346047  ...                  0.103604
128             15347214  ...                  0.103636
129             15347603  ...                  0.104544
130             15402244  ...                  0.106395
131             15440955  ...                  0.108144
132             15476802  ...                  0.110125
133             15515470  ...                  0.112991
134             15573684  ...                  0.114346
135             15586467  ...                  0.114382
136             15618505  ...                  0.117984
137             15716089  ...                  0.120425
138             15810029  ...                  0.123210
139             15914457  ...                  0.126723
140             16031653  ...                  0.127829
141             16054806  ...                  0.127859
142             16133418  ...                  0.128791
143             15587120  ...                  0.115686
144             16292908  ...                  0.130184

[145 rows x 8 columns]
2021-07-21 12:52:39.029435
<attribute 'hour' of 'datetime.datetime' objects>

0       19662
1        1217
2         765
3        1442
4       64342
5       66993
6       71432
7       70527
8       18276
9        2209
10      66481
11      66189
12      51100
13      42527
14      35684
15       3487
16       1074
17      11922
18      18283
19      18733
20      17501
21      15132
22        939
23          1
24       2704
25      20151
26      28222
27      32466
28      22845
29       1056
30         11
31      26538
32      28407
33      22643
34      36125
35      38058
36       8229
37        629
38      35970
39      37533
40      35860
41      36599
42      33404
43       8710
44        305
45      37785
46      43390
47      45520
48      92660
49     102390
50      29165
51       4859
52     121234
53     130228
54     131228
55     130615
56     158581
57      64344
58       6140
59     141937
60     175794
61     220729
62     241967
63     259018
64      39169
65       1561
66      66920
67      62507
68       5253
69      41965
70      38982
71      11931
72          3
73       8341
74       6029
75       4408
76       7139
77       9548
78       1269
79          5
80      12006
81      11822
82       1783
83      11183
84      13764
85       4933
86        217
87      71292
88      77472
89      87165
90     657192
91     542227
92     163457
93       4710
94     385535
95     565377
96     381551
97     342576
98     367761
99     138649
100      2958
101    855642
102    714384
103    562087
104    733067
105    792835
106    386223
107     27481
108    731735
109    617181
110    540248
111    412987
112    507319
113    211990
114       505
115     20231
116     30346
117     28485
118     31320
119     46333
120     11159
121         6
122     12703
123     16084
124     14233
125      4043
126      3930
127      1150
128         0
129     53758
130     37666
131     35064
132     37215
133     57846
134     12758
135       470
136    105958
137     93550
138    103848
139    116932
140     23106
141       228
142    158538
143     31182
144    149984
Name: firstCnt, dtype: int64
0            0
1            0
2            0
3            0
4            0
5            0
6            0
7            0
8            0
9            0
10           0
11           0
12           0
13           0
14           0
15           0
16           0
17           0
18           0
19           0
20           0
21           0
22         313
23         593
24         883
25        1498
26        2691
27        3833
28        5232
29        5232
30        5232
31        6151
32        8185
33       12973
34       19855
35       26380
36       27298
37       27364
38       27691
39       33414
40       42647
41       52136
42       59422
43       60510
44       60511
45       60557
46       60567
47       60569
48       60571
49       60577
50       60585
51       60585
52       60586
53       60597
54       60622
55       79151
56       98767
57      104538
58      104905
59      126503
60      148282
61      168721
62      198734
63      228399
64      236188
65      236489
66      267032
67      298192
68      323505
69      397190
70      473994
71      501539
72      506274
73      584013
74      664813
75      747707
76      825700
77      905420
78      935357
79      940345
80     1039642
81     1180281
82     1273210
83     1482842
84     1707528
85     1743437
86     1746336
87     1850669
88     1945217
89     2012919
90     2068877
91     2133720
92     2143293
93     2143385
94     2171336
95     2198010
96     2220728
97     2247008
98     2277137
99     2279596
100    2279682
101    2299853
102    2325259
103    2349485
104    2636135
105    2873862
106    2992129
107    3004029
108    3262733
109    3472376
110    3755040
111    3884710
112    4012571
113    4046611
114    4047846
115    4167533
116    4292272
117    4413494
118    4521785
119    4618918
120    4643211
121    4643951
122    4758395
123    4905462
124    5041240
125    5156549
126    5271767
127    5319954
128    5321602
129    5368227
130    5463292
131    5553120
132    5654835
133    5801997
134    5871559
135    5873409
136    6058350
137    6183732
138    6326705
139    6507107
140    6563885
141    6565472
142    6613294
143    5940374
144    6684839
Name: totalSecondCnt, dtype: int64
len(DataIn.iloc[::]) : 145

Max : 20000000.0

32.0%, 13.0%

findfont: Font family ['Noto Sans CJK KR'] not found. Falling back to DejaVu Sans.

==# 기타 #==

To-do : 타임라인 구현

그래프 생성 코드 : https://github.com/Hypeouseaus/Namu-graph-generator/

막코딩의 한계가 보인다... 점점 복잡해지네

데이터 출처 : http://m.bosa.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=2147974

참고 자료:
[1] 추후 추가할(지금은 없지만) 타임라인도 추가되면 의견 적극적으로 반영하겠습니다.